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Cathedral Square

English: Cathedral Square, Portuguese: Largo da Sé, Traditional: 大堂前地, Simplified: 大堂前地

Cathedral Square is a beautiful attraction within the Macau World Heritage Centre.

It’s home to the Paco Episcopal Bishop’s House, Macau Cathedral, and the Cartorio da Se, as well as a fountain.

Cathedral Square, Fountain, Cross, History, Photos, Buildings, Macau

The Cartorio da Se is a picturesque spot where you can stroll or rest after walking. The building is the Notary Office, located across the Cathedral. It’s notable for its neo-classical design, similar to the old bishop’s house beside the cathedral.

The Macau Cathedral, on the other hand, is the home of the country’s Catholic Diocese. It was constructed in 1622 and has undergone numerous restorations through the years, yet remains a well-preserved historical and religious structure. Visitors can find numerous holy relics within the cathedral, including those of Japanese martyrs persecuted during the 17th century.

When visiting the Cathedral Square, don’t forget to stop by the Paco Episcopal Bishop’s House to admire it. The painted cream and stucco facade is elegant and makes you feel like you are in Europe.

After exploring these historical sites, scope out the back alleys, where you will find stalls selling snacks, refreshments, and souvenirs. Check out the murals, which are located in the square’s back area. These blue and white paintings were made by George Chinnery, a renowned 19th-century artist; they reflect life in the old days of Macau.

The square is a marvellous place to walk around day or night, though it lights up during the evenings, adding to its charming feel. There are benches around the complex where you can sit and take a break from all the walking as you enjoy some egg tarts and refreshments.

Cathedral Square and all the sights here are top places to visit in Macau.

About the author

Holiday Point

Michael created and runs the Macau Travel Hub website, as well as the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel (having visited Macau many times and walked around nearly every single part of the City), Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

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