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The Day following the Mid-Autumn Festival

English: The Day following Mid-Autumn Festival, Portuguese: Dia Seguinte ao Festival "Chong Chao", Traditional: 中秋節翌日, Simplified: 中秋节翌日

The Day following Mid-Autumn Festival is a public holiday in Macau.

The general population takes the day off, and most businesses are shut down so everyone can rest after one of the biggest holidays in the lunar calendar.

The Day following the Mid-Autumn Festival, Macau, 2024 Dates

Also known as the Mooncake Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival usually takes place for two or three days in Macau and other Asian countries. Families take advantage of the time to celebrate a joyous time with their loved ones, having reunions and picnics. In Chinese culture, the festival is used to give thanks for a successful rice harvest.

The Day following Mid-Autumn Festival is marked by dining on abundant mooncakes and lighting paper lanterns. People also worship the moon and gather around for meals. This day falls on the 16th day of the 8th month in the lunar calendar, typically in September or October.

If you happen to be in Macau during this holiday, it’s a fantastic time to witness Chinese culture, heritage, and tradition. There are many destinations around town where you can spend time during this public holiday. Be sure to check out Senado Square, as there will be breathtaking light installations at night.

This is also a great time to indulge in mooncakes. These are by no means any ordinary mooncakes: many will come in meticulous designs that can only be seen during this time of the year. Luxury hotels and resorts in Cotai will also feature unique hampers to show your loved ones your care.

The Day following Mid-Autumn Festival has continued to evolve through the decades, but it remains an ancient and important event that all visitors are welcome to participate in.

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