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Mandarins House

English: Mandarins House, Portuguese: Casa do Mandarim, Traditional: 鄭家大屋, Simplified: 郑家大屋

The Mandarins House is a significant historical attraction in Macau.

Situated in the Historic Centre, it was once a traditional residential compound for Zheng Guanying, a famous Chinese literary.

Mandarins House, Museum, History, Hours, Address, Macau

The home was constructed before 1869 and has all the elements of a traditional home. Spanning an area of 4,000 square meters, the large complex includes courtyards, master’s quarters, servants’ rooms, and a gatehouse. All the houses within this compound have their own entrances facing northwest, which makes it different from other Chinese homes.

Despite the prominent Chinese design, hints of Western influences tell the story of a time when Chinese architecture was fused with various cultures.

The Mandarins House has over 60 rooms; a private family home of this size is still a rarity in Macau. Zheng’s descendants eventually moved out sometime in the 1950s, after which the home was rented. Unfortunately, there was a point when some 300 tenants were living in the house all at once, which contributed to damage and degradation, ruining its original beauty. Thankfully, the local government stepped in by 2002 to reconstruct the house and ensure it was conserved properly.

After eight years of restoration, the house is now a famous heritage attraction and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It reopened to the public, and up to the present day, it is still a landmark that tells incredible stories of history through its interiors and preserved decor.

A visit showcases the best 19th-century Chinese family living, which you can’t find anywhere else in Macau, especially considering its sheer size and all the many features.

About the author

Holiday Point

Michael created and runs the Macau Travel Hub website, as well as the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel (having visited Macau many times and walked around nearly every single part of the City), Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

Please reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.

What is the Mandarins House address?
10 Travessa de António da Silva, Macau, Macau

Please visit our website for more information on the Mandarins House.
What are the Mandarins House opening hours?
Thu - Tue: 10am - 6pm (No admission after 5.30pm)

Closed on Wednesdays, except public holidays

Please visit our website for more information on the Mandarins House.
What are the Mandarins House entry prices?
What is the Mandarins House phone number?

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